We've renamed our brand to Cress AI 🚀

Get your work done  faster with AI.

Cress AI creates quality, original content that helps you write 10x better in a fraction of the time and effort.

AI That'll Help Write Anything You Need

Say good bye to writer's block forever.

💼 Professionals

Want to stand out at work and secure that next promotion? Cress AI empowers you to spend less time on tedious tasks and focus on the things that actually matter in your career. Protect your productive hours with recipes for professional emails, slack messages, meetings, presentations, industry reports and more.

📚 Students

Working on tricky homework or preparing for an upcoming exam? Cress AI's got you covered with recipes designed to help you excel in your academics with subject-specific question explanations, essay outlines, study guides, research paper drafts, figure legends, citations and more.

✏️ School Applications

Feeling overwhelmed while applying to college or grad school? Cress AI's extensive library of recipes templates will help you create drafts of every single application component, tailored to your specific background and life story. Includes essay drafts, activity descriptions, recommendation letters and more.

Sales Teams - Promoplus X Webflow Template

🚀 Recruiting

Are you struggling to stand out from the crowd in your job search? Cress AI can help you get your dream job by crafting resumes, cover letters, interview responses and more tailored to your specific background in mere seconds. Whether you're applying for a full-time role or an internship, Cress AI's got you covered.

People love Cress AI

Join thousands of people using Cress AI to produce high-quality, original content in a fraction of the time and effort.

As a busy college student, I really struggle with essays and other writing assignments because I never know what to write. Cress AI has been an absolute lifesaver. I just plug in my essay prompt and it generates an entire essay for me in a matter of minutes that I can further edit and revise directly on the platform. Not only have I saved tens of hours, but the quality of my writing has gotten way better as well. This is a must have for any student.

Victoria D.

New York, NY

I first signed up for Cress AI to help me with my college applications. I was applying to over 20 schools and was getting overwhelmed with all the primary and supplementary essays that I had to write. Cress AI not only helped me take care of the essay components, but also the activities and recommendation sections. It even helped me prep responses for my interviews! Thank you, thank you, thank you for making a platform like this accessible. Truly a lifesaver for people like me who can’t afford a private application consultant.

Jamie K.

New York, NY

I was recently laid off from my job and was faced with the daunting task of updating my resume and personalizing cover letters for over 50 positions that I was sending in applications for. If it weren’t for Cress AI, I really don’t think I would’ve been able to get everything done. Their AI platform helped me create super personalized resume entries and cover letters for each position. I’ve since received several offers and I 100% owe my success to Cress AI. Would definitely recommend anyone to try out the platform!

Matt L.

San Francisco, CA


What can I write with Cress AI?

You can write just about anything with Cress AI. Using one of our 100+ recipe templates you can write an email, prepare responses to interview questions, write a resume and cover letter, prepare references for a research paper, and so much more.

Have an idea for a recipe template that you don't see already? Let us know at team@cressai.com and we'll make it happen!

Is the AI-generated content original?

Yes, Cress AIcreates uniquely written, original content. That being said, we always recommend that you further edit and revise the content that's generated by the platform to add your own unique flair and further make it your own!

How accurate is the information in Cress AI's generated content?

Although Cress AI is amazingly accurate, it can sometimes make mistakes. We always recommend that you look through the content generated by the AI for any potential errors as well as edit and revise the content to further make it your own!

How is word usage calculated?

Word usage is calculated as the number of words generated for you by the Cress AI platform.

I have a question that's not answered here. How do I get in touch with you?

The best way to get in touch with us is to send us an email at team@cressai.com

Take your writing to new heights.